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JPR Research Panel: Make your opinions count – 2022

At the heart of JPR's research work are thousands of British Jews who share their views on various issues across the Jewish community through the JPR Research Panel. The panel was formed in 2019 to investigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Jewish community, but as lockdowns became a thing of the past, JPR wished to use the panel to keep investigating different aspects of Jewish life in the UK. However, more than a year has passed since JPR held its previous panel survey, and hardly any efforts have been made to maintain communication with the panel members during that time. As JPR planned to launch a once-in-a-decade National Jewish Identity Survey, we became worried that existing members would not respond to it in numbers.

To resolve this, we invested in a marketing campaign designed to encourage existing members to respond to the survey and attract new members. Under the strapline 'Make your opinions count', I wrote and produced a series of short videos to be used on JPR's website and social media channels, featuring key members of the UK Jewish community that might appeal to underrepresented groups on our panel (including ultra-Orthodox Jews and students). We also designed a series of images to accompany the identity survey, each highlighting a different aspect of Judaism, and used pre-planned targeting on social media to reach Jews in the UK – despite not being able to target by religion anymore. On top of that, we used influencers and partner organisations to promote the survey among their subscribers.

The campaign proved to be a massive success. Despite early worries concerning low levels of response to the survey, nearly 5,000 of our panel members completed it, making it the largest survey of its kind in the UK's history. Even more reassuring was that 1,300 of those were new members who registered to the panel as a direct result of our campaign.

In 2024 JPR held its first survey of the Jewish Ulthra-Orthodox community in the UK. We created a unique campaign to attract this underrepresented group, who generally avoids online activities. Through ads in local papers, partner organisations and text advertisements, we added nearly 2,500 new Ultra-Orthodox members to our panel. As a result of my work, the research panel now enjoy a 50% growth in registered members.

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