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Giving a Hand to Holocaust Survivors, 2014

In 2014, just over 200,000 Holocaust survivors were living in Israel, and 25% of them had to do so in poor conditions. Holocaust survivors are entitled to many financial rights in Israel and abroad, but due to their age, lack of awareness, and the tangled bureaucracy involved, many of them did not realise those rights.

"Spring for Holocaust Survivors", is a charity formed to help Holocaust survivors realise their financial rights, offering them professional help navigating the different authorities, free of charge. The charity wished to run a campaign during the upcoming National Holocaust Remembrance Day to raise awareness among survivors and the broader public.

To achieve this goal, we first created a symbol: a yellow palm, meaning, "Give a hand to Holocaust survivors". We then turned to local celebrities, including international super-model Bar Refaeli, to paint their palm yellow and call the public to join the NGO's "March for the Living" on the Remembrance Day eve. Hundreds did so.

The campaign was repeated in the following years, adding yellow handprints from mayors and members of Parliament and evolving into a digital wall where people could add their digital palm print and donate to the charity. It gave the modest NGO primary national media coverage throughout the years, increased its donations by 300% over five years, and, most importantly, encouraged thousands of survivors to call the charity's support line and get the financial support they deserved. The campaign and the yellow palm symbol still accompany the NGO's activities today, ten years after it was first created.

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